2. to 1. How 3. Code

2. to 1. How 3. Code

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2. to 1. How 3. Code

5. Script III

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous

Synchonous code is written in a linear manner where each statement is executed in sequence, one after the other. This JavaScript is synchronous:

console.log('Hello 2');
console.log('Hello 3');

However, many things in the browser take an unknown amount of time: for example, loading resources or accessing information in a web database.

In order that a slow function not pause the entire page indefinitely, JavaScript makes use of asynchronous code extensively.

In this model, functions are called with a "callback" function as a parameter. When the function is done completing an asynchronous task, it will invoke the "callback" function. Meanwhile, other parts of the program can continue running.

setTimeout(function() {
  console.log('Hello 1');
}, 1000); // pause for 1 s or 1000 ms before running the anonymous callback function
console.log('Hello 2');

Callbacks are a fundamental part of JavaScript, but they can be quite counterintuitive to understand at first.

Spend some time reading about them on JavaScript.info: Callbacks


In many programming languages (categorized as "object-oriented" languages), code can be organized in units called "classes."

A class is a unit of code which combines data (object values) and behavior (functions) in a way which makes it easy to create many versions or instances of the code.

You can think of a class as a way of grouping or organizing code as well as a way of abstracting complexity behind a simpler interface.

class Rectangle {
  constructor(height, width) {
    this.height = height;
    this.width = width;
  area () {
    return this.height * this.width;

This class declares a rectangle object. The constructor is invoked to set up the object. The this keyword will refer to the instance of the class itself.

We can use the class as follows:

const square = new Rectangle(10, 10);
console.log(square.area()); // 100

Read more about classes on MDN or in more depth on JavaScript.info.

Object-oriented programming is an entire field of computer science. This is a brief introduce to a topic which has a lot of depth. Continue reading about the topic as you run into issues organizing your code.